To build and develop PMO is a unique type of challenge. Normally, companies understand the need for a project management office after creating a certain number of offices or having achieved a certain scale. The process becomes important at the scaling phase, for the following reasons: to apply a unified approach within the company, to reduce unnecessary expenses (temporary, resource-related, etc), as well as to introduce comprehensive and clear management processes for both internal management and external customers. PMO is where all the processes including project coordination, project collection, movement of the information related to the project, monitoring, budgeting, coordination of all the engaged parties, and standardising take place.
It frequently happens that there is lack of free specialists within the company who know how to build a PMO from scratch. In such a case, it is essential to engage external specialists who could do it fast, accurately, and most importantly, without having to disrupt your main specialists from their project work.
The specific steps on PMO building will differ depending on the scale of the methods being used by teams and the level of your project/scrum managers:
As a result of PMO implementation, you get general approaches and practices on project management, transparent processes, unified reporting forms, awareness of the state of any company’s project as well as its risks and potential problems. The entire preparation process for the transformation can take only 1-3 months in case the task has been prioritised by the management and the recourses are available.
We will be happy to discuss your consulting request in detail and offer solutions that are suitable for you